How to Add, Manage and Delete Roles in Discord Server

Discord is one of the most widely used platforms for building online communities. it’s the place to do it, whether you are trying to chat with fans of your favorite show, find other gamers to play with, or find other users with similar interests. Besides, it’s a lot of fun to have a Discord server for you and your friends. It’s also an excellent tool for creating your community. If you are creating a Discord community and are unsure how to add roles in Discord, this post will guide you in everything, including how to create admins, assign roles and more.

What are the Roles in Discord?

A Discord role is similar to a profile that you can assign to your Discord server members. They are usually used to establish a hierarchy for your members. For example, if your server has 12 members, you’ll want one person (you) to own and administer the group, two moderators to help keep the chats appropriate, and the rest of your members.

Each member will require various permissions and skills to distinguish these roles. These different titles, abilities, and permissions make up the various roles in your Discord server. Besides, you can use Discord roles to divide the group visually instead of functionally. A server for artists, for example, may include novices, art students, professors, experienced artists, and famous artists. Though their permissions and abilities are the same, you may use Discord roles to let every member on the server know the experience level of each one.

Now that we know what Discord roles are, let’s learn how to add roles in Discord.

How to Add Roles in Discord Server

To add roles in the Discord server, you need to be a server administrator. You can add roles in Discord by following these steps.

Step 1: Become an Admin of (or create) a discord server

The initial step on how to add roles in Discord is to create or become an admin of a Discord server. You can only assign roles in a Discord server if you have admin permissions or if you’re the one who created the server.

To create a Discord server on your computer or Mac, open the Discord app or login in to establish a Discord server in a discord web app. Then, on the left, click the Add a Server button (under the list of servers you are a member of), and then select and name the type of server you wish to create.

Otherwise, you can become an admin on another server. Administrators and some moderators (depending on their role permissions) can modify Discord role permissions, including the addition of new roles.

Step 2: Go to Your Discord Server Settings

Since you’re a Discord server admin, you can start assigning roles. First, click your server’s name in the top-left corner of the Discord menu and choose Server Settings from the dropdown menu. Then, select the Roles option on the left of the Server Settings menu.

Step 3: Create a role

In the Roles menu, you can add roles to your Discord server. To do so, select Create Role on the role menu. You can give it a color, title, and image to further customize the role. However, permissions are more vital. At the top of the edit roles menu, click the permissions tab. This page will display a list of permissions for this role that you may enable or disable.

If this Discord role is for a show (e.g., you don’t want to assign this member special permissions, just a new title), then don’t assign these permissions. Conversely, if you want to create roles with particular actions and permissions, scroll through the options and select the permissions you wish to assign this role.

Ensure only to assign the necessary permissions to that role; otherwise, you may run into issues. For instance, the Administrator permissions and Manage Server gives a lot of power, so be keen when assigning them to a role.

Step 4: Assign roles to members in your Discord server

After customizing all of the appearance settings and permissions for this role, you can assign it to members of your Discord server. There is no limit to how many members you can or must assign a role to.

Return to the main Discord screen by clicking the exit icon in the top-right corner or using the Escape key. To assign a role, right-click a member’s name, hover over Roles, and then select the roles you wish to assign that person. Besides, if you want to assign someone multiple roles, tick the boxes next to each one. When you add a role to a user, their access changes immediately.

How to Manage Discord Roles

Since now you know how to add roles in Discord, you need to manage the roles. And if you’ve mastered the art of creating roles, you’ll have no trouble managing them. When the server becomes overcrowded, you can add new roles or change existing ones. For example, a smaller server can function properly with only an administrator and an ‘everyone’ role.

The fastest way to manage your bloating discord server is allowing all members to be ‘everyone’ and changing permissions accordingly. Therefore, members who join your server are automatically assigned a common role whenever new members join your server. Additionally, you can easily determine which roles you have assigned to whom. Because of these colors, other members can identify administrators, moderators, and other roles.

How to Create Roles in the Discord Mobile Application?

Prior to assigning roles, you first have to create them,

Step 1: Open your Discord server

Step 2: Click on the arrow next to the server’s name. There will be a dropdown menu. Choose ‘server settings’ from the list.

Step 3: Click on ‘Roles.’ A basic role, ”everyone,” is assigned to every member who has basic permissions allowed for everyone.

Step 4: Click the + symbol and add a role.

Step 5: Then,assign the role a color and a brief description.

Step 6: Next, go through the permissions and enable those that are appropriate for the role.

Step 7: Save the changes.

Step: You can do this several times to create more roles.

How to Assign Roles in the Discord Application?

Step 1: Go to settings and then select ‘Members.’

Step 2: Choose the members to whom you want to assign roles.

Step 3: Check the boxes next to each member’s name to indicate the roles you’re assigning them.

Step 4: Save your changes, and you’re done! As an admin, you can assign multiple roles to the members.

Discord Server Permissions 

There are about 29 permissions that you may change on a Discord server; seven voice permissions, nine text rights, and thirteen permissions dealing with the server.

1. General server permission

  • Administrator – this is the most powerful permission a user may have. Be keen before providing this authority to anybody.
  • Manage server– This permission allows a user to modify the server’s name or move it to a different area.
  • View audit log – with this server’s permission, a user can read the audits of the server.
  • Manage roles – a user with this power can create new roles or change existing ones without permission.
  • Manage channels– allows users to create, amend, or delete channels on a server.
  • Manage webhooks -You may add, change, and remove webhooks with this permission.
  • Manage emojis-Users with this permission can manage emotes.
  • Read text channels and see voice channels-This permission allows users to read text channels.

2. Membership permissions

  • Create instant invite- A member with this permission can invite other online members to the server.
  • Manage members- A user with this permission can ban members from the server.
  • Manage nicknames -When enabled, a member can modify the nicknames of others.
  • Change nickname– If this permission is allowed, you can modify your nickname at any time.
  • Kick users– A member with this permission has the authority to kick members from the server.

3. Voice channel permissions

  • Speak – members can communicate via the voice channel.
  • Connect– allows members to connect over the voice channel.
  • Mute members– disables other users’ speech.
  • Deafen members– disable hearing on the channel for a user.
  • Use voice activity– With this permission, a member can talk without utilizing Push-to-Talk.
  • Priority speaker — When this permission is enabled for a member, other members’ volume is reduced when this member is speaking, allowing their voice to be heard louder on the channel.

4. Text channel permissions

  • Send messages– This permission allows users to send text messages in chats.
  • Manage messages allows users to delete or pin texts from other users.
  • Send TTS messages -This permission allows users to send text-to-speech messages.
  • Embed links– This allows users to insert hyperlinks into their texts.
  • Read message history – allows users to access previous texts.
  • Attach files– This allows users to attach files to their messages.
  • Mention everyone– If this permission is allowed, you can send push alerts on the channel.
  • Add reactions– enables users to add new reactions to a text.
  • External emojis– Users can send emojis from other servers if this permission is enabled.

5. Advanced permissions

Includes the ‘Administrator’ permission, which grants all permissions to the assigned user by default.

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